OneRare AMA Recap:Take you into a Foodverse

KCC Official
13 min readNov 24, 2021


On 21st November 2021, KCC and OneRare had an Ask-Me-Anything session on the KCC main Telegram group with 7000+ members. The main topic was “Foodverse” and Metaverse Blockchain Games. If you missed the AMA, you can check the recap as follow.

Venue: KCC Official English Community

Time: 2 PM, November 21, 2021, (UTC)

Host: William


Supreet Raju: Co-Founder of OneRare

Gaurav Gupta: Co-Founder of OneRare

[ William ]

Hi Guys, hope you all have a great weekend.

I am William, the Ambassador of KCC. It is my honor the host of today’s AMA. Recently, the Metaverse is a hot topic, and we see a lot of giants saying that they are going to set metaverse companies. And today, we have a metaverse project which is going to deploy on KCC in the future to share about their own unique “metaverse”

Let me introduce @supreetraju @GauravGupta1 from the OneRare team!Please go ahead introduce yourself

[ Supreet Raju]

Thank you for having us, Will !

I’m Supreet Raju, co-founder of OneRare. I’m an Experience Designer & UI/UX Specialist and head the complete Creative strategy for our Foodverse.

[Gaurav Gupta]

Hi Will and a big hello to the KCC community! 🍟

I am Gaurav Gupta, Co-Founder of OneRare.

I have an engineering background and have spent the last decade in building marketing for businesses. I started working in crypto back in 2017.

I was Head of the dash developer program and wanted to build something fun! So here we are with OneRare 🍿

[ William ]

Awesome, so what about your team? Can you share more about that?

[ Supreet Raju]

We are a team of 18, working across the design, tech & marketing for our Foodverse. We are working from across the globe with a remote team..

[ William ]

18 people is a very good start!

I think most of the members here do not know much about your project yet. Please share with us what is your project about?

[ Supreet Raju]

OneRare is the world’s first food metaverse, aka, Foodverse. We are celebrating Food from across the world in our gamified universe, where players can farm, trade and claim unique Dishes, as well as interact with some wonderful mini-games in our playground.

Our vision is to attract the next wave of blockchain adoption by weaving a simple narrative around Food, bringing the global food industry to Web3, and creating a synergy of NFTs traded for real-life meals. All in all, our mission is to foodify the blockchain :)

[Gaurav Gupta]

In a nutshell, one is about simplifying the blockchain for the next wave of users getting into crypto.

OneRare uses food as a way to get people to learn about blockchain in a fun way!

[ William ]

Foodverse! That is a very interesting concept!

So, OneRare team actually has a question that they want to ask the KCC community. The best answers will be picked by OneRare team to share $20.

“What is your version of foodverse” am I right @GauravGupta1

[Gaurav Gupta]

Yes — absolutely!

[ William ]


So, I will unmute the chat

If you have your answers ready, please be prepared!



To show the significant role food & Beverages plays in the virtual world and also earn passive income in a fun way

[Gaurav Gupta]

That’s a fantastic answer Demethodman!

The metaverse is not just our vision but a combination of the vision of all of our participants.

I definitely think what you touched upon is a core part of OneRare

[ William ]


BTW, just wondering why do you guys choose to create a Foodverse? Whose idea was it?

[ Supreet Raju]

I’ll take this one :)

We came up with the idea of OneRare in January 2021. The primary gap we saw in the market was that while NFTs and gaming were on the rise, projects were very niche and limited in their themes and ideas.

The current barrier to entry is too high in crypto, and being an educator myself who teaches design, I felt that the industry needs to become more open and friendly to first-time users, women, and people who are interested in crypto. So we felt we can cover this gap by engaging in a simple world of Food, where everyone can identify something they like to eat, and connect their food tastes to the blockchain.

[ William ]

Yes, totally agree

Food is something everyone could relate!

Since you guys are a metaverse project, the NFT system is very important

How does the NFT and Rarity system work in your project?

[ Supreet Raju]

Our Foodverse has four areas and the NFTs are spread across as Ingredients and Dishes -

We have the Farm, which is play-to-earn and you can grow Ingredients. The Farmer’s Market, where Farmers can sell their harvested crops, as well as, exotic ingredients. The Kitchen, which is the soul of OneRare, and you can read recipes and claim Dish NFTs. And lastly, our Playground where you can play mini-games using ORARE tokens and your NFTs

For Rarity, we have a very unique concept. In OneRare, the more a dish is minted, the more costly it becomes. The first player can make the French Fries Recipe bringing 1 of each ingredient — 1 Potato, 1 Oil & 1 Salt. The next player will have to bring 4 Potato, 4 Oil and 4 Salt. Similarly, the number of Ingredients needed for every mint will keep going up exponentially. This makes the value of the NFT increase with every mint, making it more difficult to make and more expensive. The first person to make a OneRare Dish will have a big advantage because he will own an NFT that is only getting more expensive.

In the case of a Rare Dish, there can be multiple owners depending on how many times the dish is minted. Each owner will have their own NFT. If you have a Rarest-of-All Dish, you would be an exclusive owner and the bragging rights would be exclusively yours!

[ William ]

Sounds very interesting. Just like making dishes in the real world

Very brilliant

But, I want to know other than that, do you have more features for players to play and earn?

[ Supreet Raju]

Yes, we do! Once you have made your dishes, you can head to our Playground, which will have a host of mini-games where you can use your NFTs! Our first two games are HippoFull and Foodtrucks Wars.

The first-ever NFT slot machine in Web3, Hippo Full is an exciting game for everyone who owns a OneRare ingredient and wishes to try their luck at a jackpot. The game centrelines a hungry Hippo who needs to be fed. Players can come and feed the Hippo one ingredient at a time. At some point in time, the Hippo will get “full” and will vomit out the reward of all ingredients it has eaten to the last wallet address that fed the Hippo.

Foodtruck Wars is an exclusive game for OneRare Dish owners, allowing them to pit their prized dishes against each other in a simulated setting. Each game will run in a three-player mode (PvPvP). The objective of the game is to earn maximum money from customers visiting your Foodtruck, beating the other 2 players.

[ William ]

These games seem not very hard to play

Very friendly for people like me

[ Supreet Raju]

That’s the aim :)

Easy does it! :)

We want them to be engaging for everyone

[ William ]

But one thing is Metaverse is a pretty hot topic now. What is your strategy to differentiate OneRare from the other metaverse?

Many of them also have easy to play games

[Gaurav Gupta]

Especially the new users, who can get a bit lost in all the complicated UI/UX, native to blockchain users.

[ Supreet Raju]

Great question! The first differentiator for OneRare is our core theme, Food. The current theme in Metaverses is to be replicating the real world, but they are more along the lines of cities or mythical lands. OneRare focuses on Food as its driver, and so our Foodverse is more about the gameplay than a land location.

We don’t feel we are competing with the other metaverses, in fact, we would love to collaborate and create composability where we can take our food offering to other metaverses — in the form of a pop-up restaurant, kiosk, or pizza at a party! I think by staying true to our food theme, we can make our own niche in this new Metaverse phase.

[ William ]

Yes, as far as I know, you guys are the first-ever Foodverse!

Very great point

[ Supreet Raju]

We are very proud of representing Food on the blockchain :)

[ William ]

You mentioned combining VR to the physical realm

How do you guys plan to achieve that? And How do you help promote different food cultures around the world?

[ Supreet Raju]

We think Food can create the most seamless bridge between the real world and the virtual blockchain world. We are onboarding chefs & restaurants from across the world and tokenizing their iconic dishes — and as we go along, we would like to create a system where users can swap the NFT for a real meal.

Regarding the promotion, Food has no language and no boundaries, and OneRare will be celebrating exactly that. We plan to have dishes from all over the world — global cuisines, dishes from various communities, tribes, and cultures, festive specials, diets like Vegan/Keto, and make everyone feel included!

We feel Food is a great way for our blockchain community to bond and there should be no barrier to that. It’s a celebration for everyone.

[ William ]


I am actually on a Keto diet myself, so very attractive to me

And, you mentioned food culture, there are many cooking game shows around the world. What is One Rare’s competitive advantage in this specific area?

[ Supreet Raju]

To start off, OneRare is a foodies game, and not aimed to be a cooking game. The cooking component of OneRare is a simple “Combine” button to cook up your dish. So we are not looking to compete with the cooking games.

Secondly, we feel there is a big difference between Web2 games & Web3 games because, in the Web2 games listed on app stores, the game publisher will make money, but the players and community are never rewarded.

As OneRare, we are a Food Project that is largely community-driven, and the users & community will also gain as the ecosystem grows.

[ William ]

Yes, the blockchain game is very different from the traditional ones

And I think you guys actually prepared a game for community members

What is the game about, can you share us the rule?

[ Supreet Raju]

We hope so

Yes of course!

So we have made a small game for the KCC Community

Here is the KCC Pizza & we want the community to guess 5 Toppings that go on this pizza!

They are all regular toppings

And the winners will be the first 5 people to get the 5 guesses correctly

Each person can guess ingredients, but we will only reward them for 1 of their answers :)

Sounds good?

[ William ]

So there will be 5 toppings on it? And we need to guess which 5 are these right?

[ Supreet Raju]


5 popular Pizza Toppings :)

[ William ]

I have unmuted the chat

Please guess the 5 toppings!

Members Guessing:

tomato, normal cheese, mozzarella, chilli flakes, oregano


Olives, mushrooms, paprika, mozzarella cheese, oregano

tomato, cheese, origano, green paper, mozrella

Onions-Sausage-cheese-Black olives-tomatoes


Mozrella cheeze, tomato, mushrooms, olives, onions.

Tomato, sauce, cheese, onions, pepper

[ William ]

Alright, I think we have enough answers!

[ Supreet Raju]

Wow, guys! I think we actually got some guesses in here! So let me reveal the 5 Toppings first!

1. Pepperoni

2. Mushrooms

3. Black Olives

4. Pineapple

5. No guesses for Basil !

[ William ]

Alright guys, four winners are out, please DM @supreetraju or @GauravGupta1 to claim your prize

Let’s move on

I notice that you guys also have a plan to fight world hunger by integrating F&B industry, web3 projects and funds. How will you allocate these funds in general? What is your plan to fight hunger and raise awareness?

[ Supreet Raju]

Being a blockchain project, we are extremely conscious of our responsibility to do everything with full transparency. We have spoken to some key funds in the crypto space, like Crypto Relief Fund, headed by Sandeep from Polygon, as well as, Unicef Crypto Fund.

In cases where we are partnering with chefs who are already aligned with a charity, we will be donating the proceeds to their charity or one of their choice.

We will be spending an active part of Q1 2022 in identifying genuine charities that can benefit from funds and do something tangible.

To create awareness for this, we are planning crypto events, as well as, real-life campaigns.

We will be hosting Charity auctions where we will highlight how the higher powers in blockchain can contribute to helping others. And we will also auction real-life meals by celebrity chefs, and hold on-ground events to raise funds As a Food Project, we will be using every medium we have to amplify this message.

[ William ]

Good job team, fight hunger is very important for sure

Can you share more about your partner’s support and how they help OneRare in general?

[ Supreet Raju]

Since the Blockchain industry is very new, our ecosystem can only grow with support, not competition. We have been very lucky to have found some great Angels and Partners for OneRare — that are helping us grow. We have 2 Chain Partners — Polygon & Enjin, who will help us grow multi-chain. Since we are the first ever Food Project, we are also partnering with other blockchain projects to become their Food partner. We have partnered with games like MyDefiPet, Thetan Arena, and Mytheria to launch special food menus for their game characters. As we grow, we will foodify the blockchain and bring food to everyone!

[ William ]

I saw some familiar names there!

Awesome guys

Let’s move on to the next part

We are going to open the chat in a min

The community member can ask questions to OneRare,

Only 5 will get picked, so please get ready!



What are the main cultures that will have their dishes within OneRare?

[ Supreet Raju]

Food is a global celebration, so how can we not include everyone :) We will be building our menu constantly and adding dishes from every single country and culture across the world. We will also harness our community to help us discover new dishes and bring all yummy things to our foodverse!


will OneRare partner with any pets/animal-themed play to earn games to feed the animals 😀? Will there be a grocery store? Will there be food coupons like you can use in an actual grocery store?

[ Supreet Raju]

Great question! Since we are the first Food project, we will definitely look to create custom food offerings for other Web3 projects — and it’s an animal-themed project, feed seems like a good match!


Should I invest at the first start of the game? How many ways are there to win by playing?

[ Supreet Raju]

Since we are a Foodverse, there are many small gameplays within OneRare. There is no one way to win, but rather many ways for players to engage, battle and earn rewards. This could come in the form of farming for ingredients and selling them at the Farmers Market. Or using your NFTs at the playground to battle.


Almost 4/5 of investors are focused purely on the price of token in short term instead of understanding the real value and health of the project. Could you tell us or give us some motivations and benefits for investors to hold your token in long term?

[ Supreet Raju]

I agree with you. The Foodverse vision is a long-term vision, and we certainly look at our project as one that will grow with every quarter, as it evolves and creates a real-life use case. For investors, we plan to have a very transparent plan of action, as well as, what we plan to build.


Since your base is related to food, so are you thinking of doing any food drive help the poor and feed them?

[ Supreet Raju]

Thanks for your question! No celebration of food can be complete if the world sleeps hungry. We are very very conscious of our responsibility towards working on the cause of World hunger, and we feel the global reach of the blockchain industry can ensure we raise funds from different parts of the world and are able to distribute them to the right people. We will be partnering with celebrity chefs, restaurants, food brands and other web3 projects specifically to raise fund for this cause — provide awareness, and let people be personally involved with a charity initiative.

We have plans like a Food Fridge — where users can stake their NFTs, and we will work with charity to install a real-life fridge in a needy area, where people can access meals.

[ William ]


We have 5 questions get answered!

If you get picked, please DM @supreetraju to claim your reward

Also, the winner of gleam competition will be revealed shortly

@supreetraju please share with us, how can they contact you and how can they follow up your guys progress

any media link or group link?

[ Supreet Raju]

Our Official Channels are :

🍰 Announcement channel :

🍉 Community channel :

🍔 Twitter :

🌽 Discord :

🍄 Instagram :

🍛 Facebook :

[ William ]

Thanks everyone for joining us today

It was a great AMA

Thank you @GauravGupta1 @supreetraju

[ Supreet Raju]

Thank you so much for having us, Will!

[Gaurav Gupta]

Thank you so much @Williamdaigege !



KCC Official
KCC Official

Written by KCC Official

KCC is a high-performance and decentralized public chain developed based on ETH to provide users with a more high-speed, convenient, and low-cost experience

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