Announcement of KCC V1.3.0 Upgrade on Testnet

KCC Official
1 min readMar 29, 2023


We are thrilled to share that KCC V1.3.0 has gone live on the KCC testnet, focusing on merging upstream code to enhance performance and resolve bugs.

We invite all members of the KCC community to participate in testing and provide feedback by raising an issue on KCC GitHub. Your input is invaluable in ensuring a smooth and stable release for KCC Mainnet.

Thank you for your support!

This release is only for testnet and includes the following changes:

  • Fixed a crash that occurred when importing blocks #10
  • miner.gastarget will have no effect
  • Merged upstream up to geth v1.10.26
  • Disabled options: — rpc, — rpcaddr, — rpcport, — rpcvhosts, — rpccorsdomain, — rpcapi (use — http instead of each)
  • Required go version >= go 1.17

Visit KCC Github to view more details

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KCC Official

KCC is a high-performance and decentralized public chain developed based on ETH to provide users with a more high-speed, convenient, and low-cost experience